2012 |
1 |
Rama Navami | Hindu festival for Rama, the human incarnation of Vishnu. |
1 |
Palm Sunday | Festival honouring Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem and start of holy week. |
4 |
Qing Ming | Chinese remembrance festival for the dead. |
5 |
Mahavira Jayanti | Honours birth of teacher who shaped modern Jainism. |
5 |
Maundy Thursday | Christian observance of Last Supper. |
6 |
Good Friday | Honours sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. |
6 |
Hanuman Jayanti | Hindu festival in honour of the monkey-headed god. |
7-14 |
Pesach | Jewish festival ommemorating liberation of ancient Israelites from slavery. |
8 |
Sham El-Nessim | Egyptian spring festival that dates back 4500 years. |
8 |
Easter | Christian celebration of resurrection of Christ. |
8 |
Hanamatsuri | Japanese flower festival honouring the Buddha’s birth. |
Vaisakhi | Sikh New Year observance that honours the founding of the khalsa. |
15 |
Pascha | Celebration of Jesus’ resurrection in the Orthodox Christian church. |
19 |
Yom Ha-Shoah | Jewish day of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust. |
21/4-2/5 |
Ridván | Baha’i festival celebrating Baha’u’llah’s proclamation of his mission. |
St George’s Day | Feast day of patron saint of England. |
March 2012 |