2012 |
1/2 |
Imbolc | Spring festival in honour of the goddess Brigit. |
Candlemas | Celebrates presentation of Jesus in the temple. |
Setsubun | Japanese bean scattering festival. |
4 |
Milad-un-Nabi | Muslim festival honouring birth of the prophet Muhammad. |
6 |
Teng Chieh | Chinese lantern festival. |
7 |
Birthday of Sri Guru Ravidas | Celebration of birth of founder of Ravidasia faith. |
7 |
Magha Puja | Commemorates the Buddha's sermon at the bamboo grove. |
8 |
Paranirvana | Mahayana Buddhist festival marking the death of the Buddha. |
8 | Tu B'Shevat | Jewish New Year for trees. |
12 |
Darwin Day | Observance in honour of a great British thinker. |
20 |
Mahashivratri | Hindu new moon festival honouring the god Shiva. |
21 |
Shrove Tuesday | Day when Christians repent prior to season of Lent. |
22 |
Lent | Forty day fast beginning with Ash Wednesday. |
22 |
Losar | New Year festival in Tibet and parts of Nepal. |
23 |
Birthday of Sri Ramakrishna | Hindu teacher and mystic who founded the Ramakrishna movement. |
27 |
Orthodox Lent | Beginning of the Great Fast in the Orthodox tradition. |
January 2012 |